When investing in Google advertising carries an ROI of the advertising budget for the year and a half ahead
This allows a large part of our business to be through customer recommendations. This is the case with ACERA, as our joint work began in early May 2016. We decided to share the results we achieved together with you, because we know that we are all in the business environment – managers, managers, employees, agencies, for to achieve results.
The ACERA team contacted us in order to build a strategy for digital presence and online sales. The company works in the sector of construction exterior, making vertical plans and paving. It is developing excellently, placing a huge emphasis on large corporate clients and communication is mostly offline. For us, this means lost potential for more sales and business development.
Our task required detailed market analysis and the creation of user paths. Of course, we had a limited advertising budget, which we had to manage optimally.
We’ve run two Google AdWords campaigns, Concrete and Clinker. We supported them with a remarketing campaign through the Google Display Network and remarketing on Google Search, thus making the user path with effective communication.
We carefully selected the keywords, taking them into account the activities of competitors. In just two months, we managed to attract several new “big” clients for ACERA. During the first month we optimized the digital paths, did micro-tests, directed targeted traffic. This allowed us to optimize both the results and the spending of the budget. Thanks to this optimization, we were able to reduce the cost-per-click (CPC) by increasing the Quality Score of the pages and using all permitted techniques to create attractive and noticeable text ads on Google Search.
Through proper keyword targeting and constant monitoring of the analytical tools we had installed and configured, we were able to reach key in-market audiences that we could successfully lead in the already well-trodden user paths.
Thanks to the timely identification of barriers that appeared to consumers, we were able to optimize so that these barriers are not an obstacle for our target to find exactly what they are looking for and make their inquiry without problems.
The results achieved are impressive:
- 12,000% ROI (return on advertising investment) or advertising budget for the next year and a half.
- 85% of new customers found out about ACERA through Google.
ASERA is a young and fast-growing company specializing in the field of construction exterior, vertical planning and paving, reconstruction and installation activities. The company offers complete solutions – consultation for the most appropriate flooring, delivery and installation and commissioning of the site. Correctness, quality and individual approach are the basis of the high efficiency of each project. The company receives grant funding in the amount of BGN 153,807.60 under the Operational Program “Human Resources Development” for the project “Employment for unemployed and inactive people in ASERA Ltd.”, which started in August 2016 (http://acera-bg.com/bg )
About Xplora BG
Explora is a marketing and digital agency focused on providing an impressive return on investment (ROI) from digital marketing to its clients. The skills and experience of our team are the reason for achieving high results in terms of strategy, management, marketing, digital marketing, project management. We believe in the deep “consumer insight” (who, what, when, where and why does something), which is the basis for building a complete digital system for 35 clients and over 45 projects in the last year. (https://xplora.bg/)
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