Summer campaign for consumers on the Black Sea coast
After a thorough study of the problem that the product solves and the specifics of the audience, we decided that the main digital approach is aimed at mobile geo-targeting in the Black Sea region. This gave us a lot of recognition in a micro-moment when we know that people are very interested and use only their phones. For the purposes of the campaign, we used Facebook and Google ecosystems. The goals were significantly exceeded, we managed to reach over 550,000 target users, and our cost-per-click ranged from 0.02 to 0.01 € in the Black Sea region.
The task
To increase the visibility and sales of Beliema from Idelin in the summer, given the fact that this season is one of the strongest for the product.
The challenge
Approach and choice of channels
Our strategy brought together two important elements – a strong content strategy, including educational articles, videos and posts to add value, and segmented targeting to reach the right users at the right time. After a thorough study of the problem that the product solves and the specifics of the audience, we decided that the main digital approach is focused on mobile geo-targeting in the Black Sea region – the place where the problem of target users is most pronounced. This gave us a lot of recognition in the micro moment (consumer behavior, in which, if there is a specific need, they use a reflex digital device), in which we know that people are very interested and use only their phones. For the purposes of the campaign, we used Facebook and Google ecosystems.
The ads on Facebook reached over 550,000 unique women with the right demographics and interests, who realized 35,000 clicks with a maximum price of 0.02 euros per click. Geo-targeting of mobile devices at sea further optimizes the cost per click, as this audience fell to 0.01 euros at a CTR of 2%. Google campaigns generated over 18 million impressions with over half a million content interactions in the form of video views and clicks. Display banners showed over 16,000,000 with a click-through-rate CTR close to 1%. The video ad garnered over 220,000 views.
Ако това case study с конкретни резултати те е заинтригувало – вероятно искаш да разбереш още за подхода ни. Предлагаме ти да се срещнем, за да обсъдим дали и как твоят бизнес може да се повлияе от добре изградена дигитална маркетинг стратегия и отлично реализирана комуникация, отчитащи твоите бизнес и маркетинг цели. Когато вече работим заедно, ще създадем концепция, съобразена с текущите и бъдещите ви дигитални активи и не на последно място – ще поемем ангажимент за конкретни резултати. Ще се ангажираме с реализацията на дигиталните активи и реклама и ще получаваш детайлни отчети за поведението на потребителите и за разходите по рекламната комуникация. Ако този подход ти допада, можеш да ни отправиш запитване чрез интуитивната ни форма за запитвания, в която избираш с няколко клика как точно можем да сме ти полезни. След което ние сме на ход ????
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