IT and technology

Technology companies have a significant need for digital marketing - their target users in the face of current and potential employees, partners and, of course, customers are active in the digital environment. And that requires IT and engineering companies to have and present the right content and interactions for each of these audiences.

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What results can you achieve

The technology sector currently has a number of challenges, and digital marketing is not a panacea for these challenges, but with the right approach it can help achieve significant results:

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Generating interest in the company’s services as well as Marketing Qualified Leads

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Positioning the company as a preferred employer and creating an optimal consumer path

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Research and analysis of good and successful practices, as well as the digital strategies of competitors

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Testing and validation of specific audiences and the way they extract value, then the ability to quickly scale

What experience do we have with digital marketing for IT and technology companies?

With the right approach, marketing qualified leads are very close to sales qualified leads, but behind this is a very serious work of our team and the marketing and sales team of our customers – very contextual user behavior, many tests and validation, specially selected content and constant tracking the cost of a lead.

We have significant experience with B2B companies – from integrated digital campaigns, through lead generation campaigns, to the development of channels such as LinkedIn and company blog. Many of our clients who participate in or organize events also use our services for planning and organizing webinars, creating landing pages, follow-up email waves, etc.

The most sought after digital marketing services of IT and tech companies based on our experience are:


  • Digital marketing strategy, including research and analysis of competitors
  • Planning and implementing campaigns
  • Creation and development of company profiles in social networks
  • Employer Branding training
  • Creating business sites and landing pages
  • Advertising management
  • Content creation – videos, blog posts, infographics, testimonials and more.
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You can see among our current clients the logos of HeleCloud, Bosch, Job Board of DEV.BG, Schneider Electric, Tek Experts and others. We provide various services for them – from trainings, through micro to large-scale online events and year-round campaigns for lead generation in channels such as Quora, LinkedIn and Twitter, to positioning as a preferred employer and assistance in the recruitment process.

Here are some articles we have selected that we have written based on our experience and focus with companies in the technology sector:


success stories

VIESSMANN ОБРАЗОВА Case Study carousel

How Viessmann educated the whole segment about what heat pumps are and what their prices are

Some projects turn us into master confectioners, others teach us how to use "GG" in everyday communication. There are projects that help us easily find the "out of the box" space and those in which we work harder to enter the boundaries of the box. Working with Viessmann was a little bit of everything, but most of all, a big dream of all of us came true - to be magicians and to manage the seasons. And before you offer us to wave a stick and say "Action, summer", let's tell you a little more about the specifics of this particular "magic".

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