Employer Branding

Why is it important to assess the need for Employer Branding? Because if we are in a sector where people tend to recommend the best company, then the effort is definitely worth it. The same is true if we are in a sector where the struggle for quality employees is great and significantly exceeds the available supply. Companies that have their own internship programs as a way to fill their team with young talents also have a great need for Employer Branding.

Where is it good to start? Let's think about the behavior and needs of consumers - current and potential employees and interns, as well as their influencers - relatives, friends, teachers. It is then crucial to assess how we are presenting ourselves at the moment and whether our recruitment and retention efforts are yielding the desired results.



Team members

% human

Employer Branding service

Of course, each company is specific – as a culture, as a stage of development of Employee Value Proposition, as an effort for Employer Branding and last but not least – as needs. Needs are influenced by new customers, new products and services, planned expansion, availability of qualified specialists, training programs in the company, etc.
Here are the main services we include:


  • Defining the needs of the company, transformed into marketing, branding and HR goals, achievable through digital marketing
  • Where do we start – what consumers actually do and what the company has done so far
  • Existence of quick and easy victories, the so-called low-hanging fruits
  • Defining phases for Employer Branding
  • Detailed planning
  • Creation of digital and visual assets, as well as advertising communication
  • User generated content and amplified content
  • Analysis and scaling
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Which companies most often use Employer Branding services

It will not surprise you that companies in sectors with fierce competition for staff invest in Employer Branding the most. These are mainly IT and technology companies, but also companies for which attracting and retaining professionals is a key part of the strategy.

We remind you that before IT and BPO (Business Processes Outsourcing) companies actively invested in Employer Branding, there were only 2-3 companies that were top-of-mind as a recommended employer. Why is it important to keep this in mind? Because if you are in a sector where people tend to recommend the best company, then they turn to us for individual training or certification of knowledge in a field – Xplora is focused on digital marketing for medium and large companies. Therefore, if you have such an interest, please check out the options through Xplora Academy – we will be happy to help develop your marketing career.

How to manage the ask phase in Employer Branding

We assume that you have already discovered that everything we offer to our clients are tested and validated approaches based on clear models. In this regard, we often use the 5A model – awareness, appeal, ask, act, advocate, which you will find in one of the most popular articles on our blog. Recently, Joro Malchev gave a lecture at Employer Branding BG Edition on five working approaches to Employer Branding, and only in the ask phase.

    да управлявате ask фазата

    Our good practices and examples of Employer Branding

    Once you’re on this page, you probably know enough about Xplora, and you’ve almost certainly seen our good practices in Employer Branding. This is probably what happened:


    • at an online, hybrid or in-person human resources event, or
    • for talent development, where we are often invited to share our good practices;
      in the profiles of the agency on social networks, where we present our Employee Value Proposition;
    • on our site, where we can develop in detail the individual pillars of content, as well as create an optimal user path for interested users;
    • in our email newsletter, where we mix content types and advice to our target audiences, but we also introduce new team members.


    See many good practices gathered in one place with many examples of Employer Branding and specifically different content pillars.
    If you want to see our approach to positioning our internship program.