Management and moderation of Instagram pages

The management and moderation of brand pages on Instagram are subject to specifics set by the algorithm of the platform and the audience, which is predominantly present in the channel. Young users, fans of Instagram, like to set trends and stand out among their peers, so they boldly share their opinion on the platform when they are highly motivated. This type of attention, directed in the right direction, can bring companies increased activity under the publications, and this in turn - greater visibility among their target audience.

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Specifics of page management and moderation in Instagram

  • Due to the younger audience, which predominates in the social network, the media giant provides an option for brands to limit the profiles to which their content reaches, according to age. This allows brands to follow internal and other restrictions imposed on the sector.
  • Instagram brands can be tagged in photos that are saved in a separate section of their profile. When managing the site, each company can decide which of the photos to leave visible and which to remove.
  • Another feature useful in the moderation process is the ability of brands to control hate speech. It is called a temporary restriction on unwanted interactions and makes comments and messages from the profiles included in the list created for this purpose invisible to other users.
  • In their communication with the audience, moderators must also be creative. This applies not only to intriguing responses to comments, but also to situations in which the brand wants to redirect a user to a site. Both in the hooves of Instagram posts and in comments, the links remain inactive.
  • Moderation of personal messages should be done with care, because you can easily miss them from unknown profiles. They fall into a different section called Requests and must go through the acceptance process before being visible in the Inbox section.
  • In the event of an error in sending a message to a user, Instagram has provided an opportunity to correct it. With the unsend option the moderator has the opportunity to download your message and send it in its most correct form.

Get acquainted with our experience in moderating Instagram pages and the process of structuring the work.