superHUMAN campaigns told by our clients

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“In fact, the main thing that we have also sought to achieve is to look through the eyes of prospective students, to see what it is that attracts prospective students to come and study with us. With digital marketing, the application of digital marketing, we’ve been able to actually get a sense of the scale of the information coverage of this whole “prospective students” segment. But otherwise, through standard one-way campaigns (we speak or we write), we hold events in a hall or we release emails, and then we have no idea how many people read it and how many people understood it. Through digital marketing, we had the feedback to understand both, as well as how many people it reached to, how many people read it and how many people viewed our ads end-to-end. This is not a small amount of information.”

This is what Assoc. Boris Tsankov – Vice-Rector of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy. You can find out more about the challenges, opportunities and results of our work together over the last, as he described them, 3 WOW years, by watching the full interview here: